Wednesday, April 10, 2013

UFO #19: Pink and Brown Hexagon Baby Quilt

My favorite part of making a quilt is gathering the colors and designing it on paper.  My next favorite part is cutting it all out.  It is so gratifying to see neat little piles of perfectly cut fabric pieces.  Their smooth, perfect edges get me every time. :0)

I also love piecing the quilt blocks.  They are usually fairly quick to come together and don't take up too much space.

After this point, my motivation starts to fade when making a quilt.  Putting sashings on and boarders on are tedious jobs to me.  But it usually gets done.  However, basting the quilt together with the batting and back is my least favorite part.  This is why most of my UFOs are just finished quilt tops that need to be quilted.

Well, I finally put my foot down and said, "Self, get some of these quilts done and out of the way!"  So I listened.

This Hexagon quilt was started nearly 3 years ago.  I saw the pattern for it and just had to give it a try.  It was made from a jelly roll.  I sewed two strips together and then cute out triangles from the strips.  That part was fun! Then I had to fit the triangles back together to form Hexagons, not so fun. Then I had to fit the hexagons together, pain in the......(I'll say no more).  After all the hexagons where together I realized that if I chopped it down to make it a rectangular quilt it would be tiny, like doll size.  So it sat in my basket of UFOs for a year. 

Finally I figured out how to add some white around the edges to make it bigger.  Satisfying.  Then it sat for another year.

Now that I know how to FMQ (free motion quilt) I thought this would be good project to practice on. So there it is.  Another UFO to check off my list. Hurray!!!!


36" x 42"
Started: 2010
Finished: April 2013

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