Monday, April 15, 2013

UFO #37: Cherries On a Whim

I fell in love with this pattern the moment I saw it. (The pattern is from Thimble Blossoms.)  It was a very fun quilt block to make.  I had originally got the cherry print along with the orange, yellow, green, and pink dot fabric about two years ago.  I love finding a cute patterned fabric and then matching colors to go with it.  The fabrics sat on my shelf begging to be put into a quilt.  Every time I saw a new pattern that I loved, I'd thing of this fabric.  But nothing seemed right until this pattern...

The only problem with waiting years before using fabric in a quilt is that if you need more of the fabric, it is most likely going to be gone.  I really wanted to put the cherry fabric on the back, but they were all out of it.  Booo.  Fortunately, I found this pink and it matches perfectly.

 This quilt will be for sale on my Etsy sight.

41" x 53"
Started: Fall 2012
Finished: February 2013
Machine quilted in loops by me.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great!! You are really cruising through your UFO's aren't you! Yay! (When you get done with yours, wanna come help me with all mine?!)
